The wall mounted HMP260EX
is an intrinsically safe humidity transmitter which is meant to
be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Click here to view the HMP260EX PDF file
When the HMP260EX
Humidity Transmitter is used in environments where explosion
protection is essential, it must always be connected through the
zener barriers to the power supply. The HMP260EX has been
certified in the EC by DEMKO and Technical Research Centre of Finland,
in Australia by SAA as well as in the United States by Factory Mutual. |
Vaisala HMP 260 EX Intrinsically-safe humidity transmitter,
FM approved. Intrinsically-safe humidity transmitter, FM approved for CL1,Div.1,
Groups A - G; 24VDC input power; 4-20mA output, 216 micron sintered bronze
filter, H series HUMICAP RH sensor; supplied with Zener barriers, calibrated. |
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