Fig. AS Stainless Steel Armor
Cable Lead Protection
Armor cable is the best protection against abrasion or other damage
to lead wires. A straight transition adapter with 12" stainless
steel armor cable and 14" lead wires is standard. Specify longer
Fig. DS Right Angle Stainless
Steel Armor Cable Lead Protection
Figure DS shows an SST Insertion Heater with right angle stainless
steel armor cable protected leads. Figure DS is for use where spacing
is limited and for wiring convenience. 12" cable and 14"
overall length leads are standard. Specify longer length.
Fig. FS Flexible Stainless Steel
Braided Leads
Figure FS flexible stainless steel braid protects leads from sharp
edges. The braided sleeving is virtually as flexible as non-protected
leads. 12" stainles steel braid with 14" leads are standard.
Specify longer length.
Fig. GS Right Angle Flexible
Stainless Steel Braided Leads
Figure GS right angle flexible stainless steel braid protects lead
wires from abrasion and are full length flexible at a right angle
orientation for installations with limited spacing. 12" stainless
steel braid with 14" leads are standard. Specify longer length.